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Bird Grooming

18 June, 2020 - 03:06
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Bird grooming: Why we're different
Visiting our practice for your bird's grooming needs means your bird is attended to by avian special interest veterinarians with years of experience in handling and treating birds.
* We perform one of two wing clip methods which are internationally accepted. Each of our veterinarians have their own preference, but you may choose which method you prefer.
* Our wing clips still allow birds to balance and glide  if they fall, where a poorly done pet shop or one-sided clip will not. A poor wing clip cause serious injury to your bird.
* Our vets are trained to avoid blood feathers and can assist should there be any feather bleeding. An inexperienced person may cut a blood feather and cause life-threating bleeding.
* We will not clip or snap beaks, we reshape and shorten overgrown or misshapen beaks with a rotary file, as is the international gold standard. 
* We will not cause pain to beaks, damage their growth or shape them unnecessarily.
* Nail clippings are done with experience, and the likelihood of bleeding or pain is far less than in untrained hands
* Our veterinarians have training and skill in bird handling, and will hold your bird in a manner that minimises stress, does not inhibit their breathing and holds much lower risk of injury or death than in an untrained hand

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